Monday, November 29, 2010

I found this totally awesome advertisement on, a website that randomly directs users to different web pages concerning the individual's interests. These are fairly obscure websites, none of which are generally well known, but Stumble has a web filter that blocks sites that transmit viruses.

LINK TO THE VIDEO: (please, just watch it... it's totally worth it)

Obviously, I have "graphic design" and "advertising" selected as 2 of my interests, which explains why this video came up.  As you can tell, this ad uses highly modern technology in combination with color and photography/film to create a breath-taking commercial for the Cannon Pixima.... which, as you see really brings "color to life." 

These are just a few snapshots of the action, which are beautiful sculptures of sound-animated ink that have been frozen in time with the use of a high speed camera.

Truly amazing. Enjoy!

(hint: click to enlarge)

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